Ngāi Tahu Fund

Te Whakatakanga Mission

In 2012 the Ngāi Tahu Fund Committee adopted the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy as its guiding document.

Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategic Mission

Manawa Whenua, Manawa Reo, Manawa Kāi Tahu.
Creating successive generations of strong, vibrant champions of Ngāi Tahu culture.

Ngāi Tahu Fund Strategic Objectives
  • To have strong sustainable Ngāi Tahu Cultural leadership across all pillars.
  • Ensuring intergenerational ownership, sustainability, and growth of cultural practices across all pillars.
  • To have the resources available to engage the strategy to be successful (human, fiscal, natural archival etc.)
  • All generations of Ngāi Tahu engage, value, celebrate and protect the integrity and uniqueness of Ngāi Tahu culture.
    Promote new forms of Ngāi Tahu cultural expression.

Funding Allocations

To date the Ngāi Tahu Fund has completed 33 funding rounds, contributing more than $14M to Ngāi Tahu individuals, whānau, hapū, Papatipu Rūnanga in Te Waipounamu and Taurahere Rōpū in the North Island and in Australia.

Details around the projects that have received funding to date are available below; simply click on the links to download/view the PDF.

Pillars of Ngāitahutanga

The following areas are key priority areas of the Ngāi Tahu Fund, as identified in the Ngāi Tahu Cultural Strategy.

  1. Whakapapa - kinship
  2. Tikanga - protocols and customs
  3. Te Reo - Language
  4. Mahi Toi - creative expression
  5. Whenua - landscape, place and locality
  6. Mahinga Kai - Food gathering practices
  7. Ngā Uara - Values and beliefs
  8. Ā kāinga, Ā Hapū, Ā Iwi - community engagement and participation
  9. Mana Tangata - Self-determination, self-confidence, self-purpose, self-transcendence.

The Fund will consider projects that support at least one of the Fund’s three strategic goals.

Link to Cultural Summit Key Priorities

When assessing applications, the Fund will take into account these key priorities identified at the Puketeraki Cultural Summit held October 2005:

  • Whakapapa
  • Te Reo me ōna Tikanga
  • Mahi Toi
  • Whānau Development
  • Whenua Development
  • Māhinga Kai

Three Levels of Funding

1. Small Projects – up to $5,000
  • To support smaller local initiatives
  • No legal entity required
  • Individuals may apply
2. Medium Projects – $5,000 to $30,000
  • To support local, regional and national initiatives
  • Legal entity required
  • Individuals cannot apply for this funding
  • Multiple year funding considered
3. Expressions of Interest for Large Projects – $30,000 and over
  • Legal entity required
  • Individuals cannot apply for this funding
  • Multiple year funding considered
  • A staged application process- expression of interest, then if approved by the
  • Committee followed by full application.
  • If you need any help or have any questions please contact the Ngāi Tahu Funds Team by calling 0800 524 8248 or by email [email protected]

Types of projects/costs that will not be funded include:

  • Retrospective funding for projects that are already underway or almost completed before the Committee make decisions. For the March round, the Committee meets in mid-May, and for the September round, the Committee meets in mid-November.
  • Repayment of debt.
  • Koha as this should be the responsibility of the applicant.
  • Projects where the main purpose or focus is:
    • political sectarian or religious advocacy
    • social service delivery
    • the core business of an organisation or general operational/administration function
    • major building works, equipment or vehicles
    • capital items
    • IT Hardware.
  • Projects which duplicate existing projects or programmes, unless there is a justifiable reason.
  • Where other sources of funding can be sought.
  • Travel outside of the Ngāi Tahu rohe unless in exceptional circumstances.
  • Projects that give benefit to only a small number of people.

Useful Links

The value of Toi Māori for marae, hapū and whānau is priceless. The cultural significance exceeds any market value or valuation of our taonga. This planning guide aims to better inform whānau of the variables involved and the ‘actual’ costs in creating taonga. This Planning Guideline highlights the art forms, raranga, tukutuku, kōwhaiwhai and whakairo in the context of marae construction or wānanga initiatives.

The NEF (New Econmomics Foundation) provides a range of tools and resources to enable organisations to measure their impacts and demonstrate the quality of what they do and how they operate.

How to Apply

To apply, you will need to complete one of three forms. Before completing the online application, please ensure you have all of the required documents. If you are the individual applying for funding, you must know both yours and your project sponsor’s whakapapa registration numbers (please ring our contact centre to obtain this information: 0800 KAI TAHU).

Our online form has a ‘Save Draft’ function which allows you to save and exit your application at any time, however please ensure your application is submitted to us by the closing date.

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