Contact Details
Justin TipaAddress:
43 Tenby St, RD2, Palmerston, 9482
Postal Address:
Te Rūnanga o Moeraki, 43 Tenby St, RD2, Palmerston, 9482
03 439 4816Email:
[email protected]About
Ko Te Kohurau te maunga
Ko Kākaunui te awa
Ko Moeraki te marae
Ko Uenuku te whare tupuna
Ko Wairutuātai te whare kai
Maintaining the mana of Kāi Tahu Whanui in North Otago.
Protecting our taoka, tending our urupa, upholding the mana of our Marae and caring for our manuhiri for our current generations and for our tamariki me ka mokopuna of the future.
The Rūnanga o Moeraki is an Incorporated Society established for the benefit of its members.
At the head of the Rūnanga is the Executive. The Rūnanga Executive is charged with determining the management and control of the affairs of the Rūnanga, subject to the directions of the Rūnanga in Annual, Special and General meetings. The Rūnanga Executive is elected at the Triennial General Meeting or a Special Meeting of the Rūnanga.
The membership of the Executive shall comprise the Upokorūnanga, the Kaiwhakahaere, the Deputy Kaiwhakahaere, the Treasurer, the Secretary and two members of the Society appointed by the Society to assist the Officers in their deliberations