Nau mai, tauti mai

Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei
For us and our children after us

Te Kopa Ora - Grants and Scholarships

Ngāi Tahu

Ngāi Tahu are a resilient, entrepreneurial people who made Te Waipounamu their home over 800 years ago. Ngāi Tahu tīpuna were long-distance seafarers, riding the ocean currents and navigating by stars on voyaging waka from Hawaiki Nui. 

Waitaha, the first people of Te Waipounamu, journeyed on the Uruao waka and settled in Kā Pākihi Whakatekateka o Waitaha. Ngāti Māmoe and Ngāi Tahu followed. Through warfare, intermarriage and political alliances, a common allegiance to Ngāi Tahu was forged.

In the 21st century, Ngāi Tahu identity continues to evolve and adapt as it has always done. The responsibility of current generations is to honour the deeds and values of our tīpuna and to create an inheritance for future generations. Ngāi Tahu has a responsibility to be steward; to grow and use the resources we have fought to reclaim in order to achieve the culturally rich, boundless future our tīpuna dreamed we could achieve.

Opportunities & Resources

People gathered in bushland shade

Whānau Opportunities

We have lots of opportunities for our whānau members. Our goal is to successfully distribute resources to meet the needs and aspirations of Ngāi Tahu whānau.

Whānau in Business

We have lots of business opportunities available to support Ngāi Tahu whānau on their business journeys.

Man and woman behind counter in cafe

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, the tribal council, was established by the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Act 1996 to be the tribal servant, protecting and advancing the collective interests of the iwi.

Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei.

Ngāi Tahu 2050

The next chapter in our journey

Twenty-five years on from Settlement, we are embarking on the next chapter in our post Settlement journey. Mō Kā Uri: Ngāi Tahu 2050 is about creating the collective tribal vision for the next 25 years and beyond. It is our chance to dream about the future we aspire to as whānau, hapū and as an iwi, and the legacy we want to leave for those who come after us.

Te Kounga Paparangi

Our Climate Change Action Plan

Our Climate Change Action Plan, Te Kounga Paparangi, sets goals to ensure our organisation is taking on the challenge of climate change. These actions are guided by our overarching Climate Change Strategy Te Tāhū o te Whāriki.