
The Vision:
Our dream is that all tribal members participate in tribal affairs and activities. Our goal is that the dreams and achievements of Ngāi Tahu Whānui are celebrated.

Ngāi Tahu prefer to conduct our tribal business kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face). However, the global spread of our people means we have had to adapt and develop contemporary ways to connect and engage with whānau.

Te Rūnanga has embraced print media, radio, digital and web platforms to reach our people. Te Karaka, our flagship quarterly magazine, celebrates being Ngāi Tahu by profiling tribal members, bringing Ngāi Tahu perspectives to national issues and stimulating discussion on tribal development.

Our monthly grassroots publication Te Pānui Rūnaka is eagerly awaited, as it carries whānau news from each of our Papatipu Rūnanga, records our births, deaths and marriages and promotes a huge range of tribal events and initiatives. More and more today we also interact with our young and not so young generations via social media such as websites, blogs, twitter and facebook.

TahuFM, our iwi radio station, broadcasts 24/7 across the takiwā and to a national audience on SKY Digital. Through radio, we promote our language, discuss tribal issues and connect with rangatahi through a diverse range of traditional and modern music.

Te Rūnanga also convenes a number of tribal hui, anchored by our annual Hui-ā-Iwi and AGM which has pride of place on the calendar as the time to re-connect with whānau, debate, laugh, sing and feast together.