Ngā Hau e Whā From the Editor
Dec 21, 2021
In a world that is constantly changing and with every decision we make requiring Covid consideration, things that are familiar and unchanged become even more important, providing some sense of “normality” in our lives. TE KARAKA is one of those constants – a taonga appearing in whānau letterboxes at regular intervals for more than 20 years (albeit a little less often).
With every issue there is an element of surprise, the content list we start with often very different to what ends up being published. There are always stories that drop off and others that appear at just the right time. “Picturing” Kāi Tahu in 1830s Poihākena: A Preliminary Sketch is one of those featured in this issue (page 12). Written by Ngāi Tahu historian Dr Michael Stevens and Australian colleague, Dr Rachel Standfield, this article offers an extraordinary snapshot into Ngāi Tahu history predating Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The evocative illustrations created by Australian artist Charles Rodius are in themselves captivating in detail and breathtaking in their beauty. While many specifics of these three Ngāi Tahu subjects and what they were doing in Sydney remain a mystery, the story of their whakapapa is slowly being pieced together.
Border closures and travel restrictions in recent times have significantly impacted our tourism industry, forcing operators to rethink their business models, change up their offerings and with many closing their doors. Ōtautahi-based David Brennan, of Ko Tāne, has been in the global tourism business for nearly 30 years and is no stranger to adaption and innovation. David’s attitude and tenacity is to be applauded – despite the odds Ko Tāne continues to offer memorable, culturally enriched experiences for locals and visitors – see Te ao o te Māori (page 56).
And finally, sticking with the opportunities arising from the world of Covid, Whiria Te Waitaki, the environmental project led by Moeraki whānau as part of the Jobs for Nature recovery package, is an inspirational story of indigenous kaitiakitanga, whānau empowerment and economic wellbeing – definitely worth a read (Lifeblood of the Valley Flows Again, page 24).
Nā Adrienne Anderson Waaka
Editorial Team
Adrienne Anderson Waaka
Hannah Kerr
Assistant Editor
Michael Deacon
Sub Editor
Belinda Leslie
Web Editor
Briana Te Haara-Barr
Arihia Bennett
Anna Brankin
Pirimia Burger
Ila Couch
Michael Deacon
Justine Inns
Arielle Kauaeroa
Liz Kereru
Takerei Norton
Dr Rachel Standfield
Dr Michael Stevens
Phil Tumataroa
Maatakiwi Wakefield
Fern Whitau
La Fábrica Design Studio
Print Management
Ruruku Ltd (Ngāi Tahu Pakihi Whānau)
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
PO Box 13 046
Christchurch 8141
Phone 0800 KAI TAHU (0800 524 8248)
Fax (03) 341 6792
Send contributions and letters to the editor to:
The Editor
Te Karaka
PO Box 13 046
Christchurch 8141
[email protected]
© 1995 The entire contents of Te Karaka are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or in whole without the written permission of the publisher. All letters addressed to Te Karaka will be assumed intended for publication unless clearly marked “Not for Publication”.
Opinions expressed in Te Karaka are those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
Issue 89 published December 2021
© Ngāi Tahu Publications Limited
ISSN N0. 1173/6011
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu used paper produced using Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF) and manufactured under the strict ISO Enviromental Management System.
Front Cover
Paralympian Holly Robinson winning silver in the F46 Para Javelin at 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Photograph: Nā Alisha Lovrich / Athletics New Zealand