Au Ahi Au Ora
“Led by Papatipu Rūnanga, Au ahi Au ora seeks to prioritise Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu functions as determined by Papatipu Rūnanga”
Papatipu Rūnanga Aspirations
Au ahi Au ora builds on the work of the Papatipu Rūnanga Aspirations Working Group 2010 & 2016 (PRAG) and Haea Te Awa. These programmes brought Papatipu Rūnanga to the fore of strategic decision-making at Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu (Te Rūnanga).
In 2023, Au ahi Au ora gathered feedback from ngā Papatipu Rūnanga on how Te Rūnanga can be better positioned to support them in 2024. Au ahi Au Ora will also identify commonalities and themes for development and implementation.
Au ahi Au ora is aligned with and compliments the work being completed as part of Mō Kā Uri - Ngāi Tahu 2050.
Au ahi Au ora finds its genesis in the whakataukī “Au ahi au ora. Au moana, aua noa atu”.