Ngā Hau e Whā From the Editor

Oct 3, 2018

And so the seasons are changing once again as winter draws to a close and we move into spring. However, as the impacts of climate change kick in, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between the seasons – here in Ōtautahi the daffodils in Hagley Park are blooming earlier each year. Where it really hits home is the changes to Te Ao Tūroa – to our coastlines, our rivers, our landscapes, and, most importantly, our mahinga kai. In this issue Christopher Brankin provides an overview of He Rautaki mō te Huringa Āhuarangi – Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Climate Change Strategy – the blueprint for how the iwi plans to tackle the issue. It’s a global problem with no simple solution – suffice to say that individually and collectively, we all have a responsibility to look after the future of the planet.

Rongoā Māori and other alternative approaches to health are on the rise, with more and more people looking beyond mainstream pharmaceuticals to the traditional knowledge and healing properties of plants. On page 22 we feature the extraordinarily powerful story of Tanya Filia, a wahine battling terminal cancer who has turned to Rongoā Māori and Vitamin C treatments to fight her illness and defy the devastating prognosis delivered by her doctors. Her strength and tenacity are inspirational, and send a very strong message about never giving up.

Road to Redemption, the story of Jade Morgan (page 26), is another inspirational read – emerging from a tortured childhood that saw him spend his youth dancing with crime and an early adulthood spent in prison, Jade made a life-changing decision to turn things around by immersing himself in his culture and tikanga practices. Jade is a fabulous example of the empowerment that comes from cultural connection – knowing who you are and where you come from.

Finally, we would like to remind our readers that we welcome your input – if any of the content we publish piques your interest, please write and let us know! Your letter could be included in Āu Kōrero – Letters to the Editor

Nā Adrienne Anderson Waaka

Editorial Team

Adrienne Anderson Waaka

Anna Brankin
Assistant Editor

Diana Leufkens
Sub Editor

Belinda Leslie
Web Editor


Tremane Barr
Arihia Bennett
Christopher Brankin
Gerry Te Kapa Coates
Tiaki CoatesIla Couch
Michael Deacon
Ward Kamo
Sampson Karst
Morgan Lee
Philip McKibbin
Arielle Monk
Charisma Rangipunga
Mark Revington
Nuku Tau
Rob Tipa
Phil Tumataroa
Fern Whitau
C.A.J. Williams

La Fábrica Design Studio

Pam Graham: [email protected]

Spectrum Print – Blue Star Business

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
PO Box 13 046
Christchurch 8141
Phone 03 974 0177
Fax 03 365 4424

Send contributions and letters to the editor to:
The Editor
PO Box 13 046
Christchurch 8141
[email protected]

© 1995 The entire contents of Te Karaka are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or in whole without the written permission of the publisher. All letters addressed to Te Karaka will be assumed intended for publication unless clearly marked “Not for Publication”.

Opinions expressed in TE KARAKA are those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.

Issue 79 published September 2018
© Ngāi Tahu Publications Limited
ISSN N0. 1173/6011

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu has used Blue Star Group, which is an FSC® certified print supplier. The paper used for this publication is FSC® certified, promoting sustainable forest management through independent third party forest certification.

Front Cover
A movement towards a future where every Māori child is empowered to realise their full potential.
Photograph nā Hori Mataki.