Roadshow locations and dates

This year's Ngāi Tahu Roadshows will take place in Whangārei, Napier, Perth, and Nelson.

Dates and locations

Location Dates Venue
Whangārei Sunday 5 May Hihiaua Cultural Centre
Napier Sunday 7July Napier War Memorial Centre
Perth Sunday September 29 Esplanade Hotel, Freemantle
Nelson Sunday 3 November Trafalgar Centre

If you live in or near these places, please keep an eye on this page and your inbox for more details on how to get involved.

The roadshows are a time for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu to connect kanohi ki te kanohi with our whānau, who live outside the tribal takiwā. 

Likewise, they are an opportunity for whānau to reconnect with whakapapa, taurahere rōpū, and each other.

The roadshows feature presentations from Ngāi Tahu leaders, personal whakapapa sessions, workshops, and stalls representing the various offerings and support schemes available to whānau members. 

Our kīanga (catchphrase) Te Taukaea Takata speaks to the intertwining of our people and our iwi to reconnect, revitalise, and reaffirm ourselves as Ngāi Tahu.

Future roadshows – four more are planned for 2025 – will include different locations to ensure more whānau living outside the takiwā have the same opportunity to connect with us.

We encourage you and your whānau to come along and nurture your Ngāi Tahutanga at these special events.