
Contact Details

Terry Nicholas

Marae: 6 McKinnon Road

Office: 140 Charlton Rd,
RD 4, ​​​​​​​Gore 9774

Postal Address:

PO Box 114
Gore 9740

03 208 7954


Ko Ōparure te maunga
Ko Mataura te awa
Ko Ō Te Ika Rama te marae
Ko  Ō Te Ika Rama te whare tupuna

Hokonui Rūnaka is one of 18 rūnanga  of Ngāi Tahu, and is the only one located inland.

Established in 1987, Hokonui Rūnaka was established to provide well-being for members through the guidance and management of members spiritual, cultural, educational, moral, social and economic needs.

We exist to ensure a safe and secure future for our next generations.

Hokonui Rūnaka currently has about 14,000 members. Members are represented by up to 24 Executives of the Hokonui Rūnaka Incorporated Society.

The people of Hokonui have grown this organisation from humble beginnings to it’s current capacity delivering a range of whanau services and building spiritual, cultural, social and economic growth.