Mihi and Waiata


Tēnā koutou katoa

E ngā karangatanga e maha he hari anā tēnei mihi atu ki a koutou i runga tonu nei i ngā ahuatanga o te tika me te pono o tēnei kaupapa manāki taonga ā whenua, ā wai māori, ā wai tai.

He kaupapa nui whakaharahara te mahi ngātahi tēnei iwi me ngā iwi katoa e nohonoho nei ki tō matou takiwā.

Heoi anō i runga i te peha o tōku tupuna Nōku te kori, kia kori mai hoki koe ka whakatau te kaupapa.

Ko Tapuae-o-Uenuku kei runga hei tititreia mō te iwi

Ko Waiau toa kei raro i hono ai ki tōna hoa ki te hauraro ko Waiau Uha

Ko Te Tai o Marokura te moana i ū mai ai a Tūteurutira kia tau mai ki tō Hineroko whenua i raro i Te Whata Kai a Rokohouia

Ko tōna utanga he tāngata, arā ko ngā Tātare o Tānemoehau

Ā, heke tātai mai ki tēnei ao

Mā tātou anō ngā awa me ngā awaawa, me ngā hiwi, me ngā toropuke, me ngā maunga, me ngā awanunui kei runga i a Kaikōura whenua e tiaki, e atawhai.

Ko Takahanga te marae

Ko Maru Kaitātea te whare tipuna

Ko Ngāti Kuri te hapū

Ko Ngāi Tahu te iwi

Tēnā koutou katoa

To all peoples it is with pleasure we greet you with the best of intentions regarding this important issue of caring for our land, our inland and coastal waterways.

It is equally important that our people work with all others that share our tribal territory.

Therefore we acknowledge the saying that was uttered by our ancestor, if I move then so should you and lay down this document for your consideration.

Tapuae-o-Uenuku is above as a chiefly comb for the people

Waiau toa is below also joining with his partner further south Waiau Uha

Te Tai o Marokura is the ocean crossed by Tūteurutira where he landed upon the shore of the land of Hineroko beneath the lofty food gathering cliffs of Rokohouia

His cargo was people the brave warriors of Tānemoehau

The descendants have remained to this time.

It is now up to us to protect and care for the rivers, valleys, hillocks, ridges, mountains and broad, braided rivers upon the lands of Kaikōura.

Takahanga is the marae

Maru Kaitātea is the ancestral house

Ngāti Kuri is the hapū

Ngāi Tahu is the iwi


Mā te Raupō
Whirinaki o Tapuae o Uenuku
E tu wānanga
Kakahuia te wehi
Putea te wāhi katoa
Mairo Mairo
Tupato Kakahuia

Aue Aue
Nāna te Roimata
Nei ana he Waiautoa
Neke atu waiora
Te Tai o Ngāti Kuri
Hapai te Whenua
O Tuturu Māori

The many bonds that strengthen Tapuae o Uenuku give credence to creation within its abundant bounty.