
Contact Details

Susan Wallace

4485 Haast Highway
Mahitahi / Bruce Bay 7886

Postal Address:

PO Box 225
Hokitika 7842

03 755 7885


Ko Aoraki Tutoko te maunga
Ko Makaawhio te awa
Ko Te Tauraka Waka a Maui te marae
Ko Kaipo te whare tupuna
Ko Poke te wharekai

Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio Inc has sole responsibility for the social, cultural, political and economic interests of Ngāti (Kāti) Māhaki ki Makaawhio. The rūnanga was established in 1988 when it was incorporated at Mahitahi (Bruce Bay) under the name, Te Rūnanga o Te Koeti Tūranga, as a successor to the old Mahitahi Māori Committee and as the legal representative at that time of the Ngāti (Kāti) Māhaki ki Makaawhio, hapū of Ngāi (Kāi) Tahu, based at Mahitahi in South Westland. A name change to Te Rūnanga o Makaawhio Inc was completed in 1996 to better reflect changes made to our membership rules.

Temporary office address: 125 Revell St, Hokitika