Te Poho o Tamatea
Te Poho o Tamatea (TPT) is a charitable company that was formed in 2004 to manage funds received by its sole shareholder, Te Hapu o Ngati Wheke (THNW). TPT aims to preserve and grow its capital, and provide funds for charitable distribution by THNW.
As a separate entity TPT provides a number of benefits to its shareholder:
- Funds are managed efficiently – and as long as TPT maintains its charitable status, all earnings remain tax-free.
- THNW is free to look after core responsibilities – the runanga – without tying up valuable time and energy worrying about investments.
- The runanga benefits from the skills and experience of those outside of Rapaki, who otherwise might not be able to contribute.
- THNW avoids conflicts of interest issues over where their funds are invested.