For Business
Puna Pakihi
Supporting Ngāi Tahu in Business
Our kaupapa at Puna Pakihi is to support you, Ngāi Tahu whānau on your business journey. We offer guidance and mentorship as you refine your business plan and help you identify next steps for growth and sustainability. Whether you have a solid idea for a startup or you have launched your business and want to establish it on a firmer footing for growth (or you’re somewhere in between), we are here. We care about your pākihi journey and your success. You have some mahi to do whānau and we are behind you every step of the way!

Business Grants
We have three grant types available to whānau depending on the length of time trading and business revenue.
Business Directory (
Tahu.Biz is a directory of businesses owned by Ngāi Tahu whānau. It’s a platform for Ngāi Tahu to support and buy Ngāi Tahu.