Business Grants

We have three grant types available to whānau depending on the length of time trading and business revenue.

Kickstart Grant

  • New business or already trading within the first 12 months of registration as a company.


Stay Up Grant

  • Over 12 months of business registration/trading.
  • GST registered if revenue is above $60k.
  • Revenue up to $120k.


Growth Grant

  • Over 12 months of business registration/trading.
  • Revenue above $120k.
  • GST registered.

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Grants Eligibility

  • Registered Ngāi Tahu whānau member at least 18 years old.
  • Business must already be trading.
  • Proof of Ngāi Tahu whānau ownership. Applicant/s must show proof of minimum 50% ownership of the business (eg. New Zealand Business Number).
  • Relevant supporting documents must be provided. (see below)
  • NB: Whānau members are only eligible for one grant payment each financial year ending 30th June, with a 12 month stand down period between successful applications.

Supporting Documents Required

  • Application form – download here
  • Robust Business Plan (for Kickstart/Stay Up grants) – download here or Growth Business Plan (for Growth grants) – download here
  • Supporting Market Validation.
  • 12 months forecasted cashflow – download template here
  • 12 months previous year cashflow (if already trading – download template here)
  • Proof of minimum 50% Ngāi Tahu whānau ownership from applicant/s.
  • Proof of Bank account – verified letter from bank or copy of bank statement (screenshots of internet banking or banking app will not be accepted).
  • Proof of GST Registration (if relevant).
  • Photo ID (Passport, driver licence or 18+ card only).

Documentation Required

Grant Type
Kickstart Stay Up Growth
Application form Y Y Y
Proof of Ngāi Tahu ownership Y Y Y
Proof of verified bank account Y Y Y
Photo ID Y Y Y
Robust business plan Y Y  
Growth business plan     Y
 12 months forecasted cashflow Y Y Y
12 months previous cashflow   Y Y
Market validation evidence Y Y Y
Proof of GST Registration     Y

Ready to Apply?

Send us all the relevant documentation.