Development | Governance

Governance Opportunities

Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu currently holds 95 governance positions on the boards of external organisations. These roles are specifically set aside in the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 to benefit Ngāi Tahu Whānui and to give effect to our aspirations. They represent an important mechanism to maintain our cultural identity and ensure our voice is heard across the motu.

Appointees are nominated by Ngā Papatipu Rūnanga and selected by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu for an average term of three years.

To be notified about upcoming appointments please register on Te Pou Here and under Areas of Interest select Representing Ngāi Tahu on External Board.

We welcome applications from those who:
  • Are a registered member of Ngāi Tahu
  • Are passionate and knowledgeable about the kaupapa of the external organisation
  • Are interested in developing their connection with Papatipu Rūnanga, marae and/or iwi affairs
  • Are willing to champion the tikanga and aspirations of Ngāi Tahu whānau
This opportunity will give you:
  • Governance experience within your specialised field
  • Tailored professional and cultural development opportunities
  • Technical support
  • Recognition of your time

Appointments held by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu

If you have any questions regarding this whānau opportunity, email [email protected] .

Te Au Tūroa – Environment

Name Of Organisation Name of Committee
Department of Conservation Conservation Board – Canterbury Aoraki
Department of Conservation Conservation Board – Nelson Marlborough
Department of Conservation Conservation Board – Otago
Department of Conservation Conservation Board – Southland
Department of Conservation Conservation Board – West Coast Tai Poutini
Department of Conservation Guardians of Lakes Manapouri, Monowai and Te Anau
Department of Conservation Guardians of Lakes Wānaka
Department of Conservation Molesworth Steering Committee
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Hoiho
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Kākāpō
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Kākāriki Karaka (Orange fronted Parakeet)
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Kakī
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Kea
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Kiwi
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Large Galaxiids
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Mohua
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Non Migratory Galaxiids
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Orange fronted Parakeet
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Pateke (Brown Teal)
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Takahē
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Weka
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Westland Petrel (Taiko)
Department of Conservation Species Recovery Groups – Whio
Department of Conservation Tahr Co-Governance Group
Department of Conservation Whenua Hou Komiti
Fish & Game Council - Central South Island Fish & Game Council – Central South Island
Fish & Game Council - Nelson/Marlborough Fish & Game Council – Nelson/Marlborough
Fish & Game Council - North Canterbury Fish & Game Council – North Canterbury
Fish & Game Council - Otago Fish & Game Council – Otago
Fish & Game Council - Southland Fish & Game Council – Southland
Fish & Game Council - West Coast Fish & Game Council – West Coast
Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Komiti HSNO Komiti
Kaiapoi Pā Trust Kaiapoi Pā Trust
Kātiki Advisory Group Kātiki Advisory Group
Komiti Whakahaere / Māhinapua Management Committee Māhinapua Management Committee
Komiti Whakahaere / Muriwai Management Committee Muriwai Management Committee
Komiti Whakahaere / Ōruaka Management Committee Ōruaka Management Committee
Land Information New Zealand New Zealand Geographic Board
Land Information New Zealand Crown Property High Country Advisory Group
Meridian Energy Te Waiau Mahika Kai Trust
Ministry for the Environment Fiordland Marine Guardians
Ministry for the Environment Kaikoura Marine Guardians
New Zealand Conservation Authority New Zealand Conservation Authority
Ngāi Tahu Māori Rock Art Trust Ngāi Tahu Māori Rock Art Trust
Ōkeina-Okains Bay Reserves Management Committee Ōkeina-Okains Bay Reserves Management Committee
Ōnawe Pā Advisory Komiti Ōnawe Pā Advisory Komiti
Rakiura Titi Committee Rakiura Titi Committee
Rakiura Titi Islands Administration Body Rakiura Titi Islands Administration Body
Taramea Management Committee Taramea Management Committee
Te Kōhaka o Tuhaitara Trust Te Kōhaka o Tuhaitara Trust
Sinclair Wetlands Trust Te Nohoaka o Tukiauau / Sinclair Wetlands Trust
University of Otago Institutional Biological Safety Committee (IBSC)
Urban Development Strategy Implementation Committee (UDSIC) The Christchurch Greater Partnership

Mātauranga – Education

Name Of Organisation Name of Committee
Lincoln University Lincoln University Council
University of Canterbury University of Canterbury Council
University of Otago University of Otago Council
University of Otago Institutional Biological Safety Committee (IBSC)


Tō Tātou Ngāi Tahutanga – Culture and Identity

Name Of Organisation Name of Committee
Canterbury Museum Canterbury Museum Trust Board
Ngāi Tahu Ancillary Claims Trust Ngāi Tahu Ancillary Claims Trust
Okains Bay Maori and Colonial Museum Trust Okains Bay Maori and Colonial Museum Trust