Frequently Asked Questions

What are nohoanga?

Nohoanga are campsites near waterways significant to Ngāi Tahu. Nohoanga provide all Ngāi Tahu whānau with an opportunity to experience the landscape as our tīpuna did, and to rekindle the traditional mahinga kai practices of gathering food and other natural resources.

How do I book?

Authorisations must be obtained to occupy a nohoanga overnight. Use the booking form link below. You can book for up to 6 people under one authorisation for up to 30 days. For bookings of 6 or more people, we can help. Call 0800 NOHOANGA (0800 664 62642) with your whakapapa number handy.

When you are ready, you can book here.

Why do I need an authorisation?

A booking system is in place we can manage and monitor site usage and prevent overpopulating sites. Whānau can book using the link above or call, txt or email for help to obtain an authorisation. Please leave a detailed message and staff will usually respond within 24 hours.

Is there a cost?

Nohoanga are free to use for Ngāi Tahu whānui and their whānau members. We use the booking system to help prevent overcrowding. Rangers may be on site occasionally to check authorisations.

Are there toilets?

Te Rūnanga does not own the land the nohoanga entitlements are on. You need to provide your own toilet and shower facilities when using nohoanga, although some have public toilets nearby. Look at the nohoanga information sheets on the website to find out more about what facilities are near each nohoanga.

How do we find out information on mahinga kai opportunities associated with each site?

We hope to have information on mahinga kai opportunities at each site available on our website in the future.
Until then the Fish and Game and Department of Conservation websites have some localised fishing and hunting information.

Can I take my pet?

You can take your dog onto some nohoanga as long as it is kept under control on a leash, and you are considerate of other users. Check the nohoanga information sheets to see whether dogs are allowed there.

Why do you need feedback?

When you finish your stay, you will be emailed a feedback form. Feedback from users helps us manage the nohoanga by making us aware of any issues requiring maintenance and helps us to improve the sites in the future. We also like hearing what you have been up to!

All feedback shared goes into a draw at the end of the season to win a $500 Hunting and Fishing voucher.

Why do you collect our personal information for an authorisation form?

The information is collected for reporting and site monitoring purposes, knowing who is using the sites and when.

What do you do with the information you collect for an authorisation form?

The information is held securely on our server, with limited staff access. Some information (numbers of users, sites used) is used for reporting. Please see the privacy statement for more information. Number of users per authorisation and vehicle details are shared with our rangers so they know who is authorised to be on a nohoanga.

If you have any further questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to email