Hazard Information
Site Information Sheets have information regarding hazards associated with each site.
New hazard information will be updated here.
Nohoanga users should check this page before using sites to check for any new hazard information.
Waiau-ua River
The Waiau-ua River nohoanga site is often grazed by stock. Stock will be either removed or moved to the other end of the paddock when Whānui want to use the site. Its important users book at least 5 days in advance as to give time for stock to be moved. Please call 0800 NOHOANGA should you have any issues.
General Tree Hazards
Nohoanga users should always take care when camping underneath or close to trees. Large trees may be hazardous, particularly in high winds, and pose a fall risk.
Users should report (with photos) any fallen trees or large branches, or any trees users feel are a hazard, to Te Rūnanga on 0800 NOHOANGA or [email protected].
Ahuriri River
Camping is currently not permitted under the row of willow trees. These trees have been identified as hazardous and pose a danger of falling. Hazardous parts of the trees will be removed in due course. Camping is permitted anywhere outside of the fenced area.
Lake Pūkaki
Each year Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) undertakes biosecurity works around Lake Pūkaki, including pest control in the form of rabbit shooting. This work generally occurs during the winter months, outside of the nohoanga entitlement occupation times, but can happen during the nohoanga season. When shooting is planned, LINZ will contact Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu so we can notify them of any campers, and they can reschedule their work if necessary. It’s therefore vital to ensure nohoanga users have a permit to stay on the site, so we are aware of any campers at all times.
Hapuku River
The Hapuku River nohoanga site is often grazed by stock. Stock will be either removed or moved to the southern end of the paddock when Whānui want to use the site. The whole paddock has an electric fence lining the fencing. Its important users book at least 5 days in advance as to give time for stock to be moved, and for the electric fence covering the entrance gate to be turned off and moved so users can enter. Please call 0800 NOHOANGA should you have any issues.