Whai Rawa (Investment Scheme)
He tikaka hou, he oraka hou – Changing habits, changing lives
Whai Rawa is the Ngāi Tahu investment scheme that helps create a better future for Ngāi Tahu whānau through greater wealth and wellbeing. Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu set up Whai Rawa in 2006 to improve the wellbeing of Ngāi Tahu whānau by providing a vehicle for distributions to eligible whānau and encouraging savings for key milestones. This enables members to access their savings for tertiary education, first home ownership and retirement from age 55. You can have a KiwiSaver account and a Whai Rawa account, using both to assist in purchasing your first home and saving for retirement.
If you are living in New Zealand or Australia and are a registered Ngāi Tahu tribal member you are eligible to join Whai Rawa.
Benefits of Whai Rawa
Matched Savings; currently for every $1 adult members (aged 16-64) contribute in a calendar year, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu will contribute another $1 (up to a maximum of $200* per member). For tamariki members (aged under 16 years old as at the end of the relevant calendar year), Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu will contribute $4 for every $1 contributed (up to a maximum of $200* per member).
Annual Distributions to all members under 65 regardless of their ability to save**.
Newborn Distribution for pēpi registered before their first birthday.
All costs and expenses, other than Fund Manager fees, will be met by Te Rūnanga while Whai Rawa Fund Limited remains the manager of Whai Rawa.
Whai Rawa financial wellbeing kaupapa for the whole whānau!
Join Now
You can withdraw your funds for key life events: tertiary education, first home deposit, retirement from age 55 onwards and other special circumstances.
Ngā Kaitiaki Moni
Ngā Kaitiaki Moni is the Whai Rawa kids club where tamariki aged 5-12 can learn about everything moni!

He Matapaki Māreikura
He Matapaki Māreikura is a place for our Whai Rawa wāhine members to come and kōrero about financial capability.
Whai Rawa Fund Limited is the issuer of the Whai Rawa Unit Trust. A copy of Whai Rawa’s Product Disclosure Statement is available at whairawa.com/pds. Whai Rawa Fund Limited’s financial advice disclosure statement is available here whairawa.com/financial-advice.
* Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu matched savings and distributions are available to all Whai Rawa members under 65 years of age (see the Product Disclosure Statement) and are subject to RSCT (retirement scheme contribution tax) deducted at your personal RSCT rate (see the Other Material Information document at whairawa.com). If you do not notify us of your correct rate, you will be taxed at the default rate of 39%. Distribution payments are made no later than 31 March in the calendar year following contributions.
**The annual level of contribution may differ between calendar years and between members. Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu may choose to cease or reduce contributions.