Whānau as First Navigators
Whānau as First Navigators is a belief that all whānau have the innate ability – derived from their whakapapa and tūpuna – to lead and navigate their own journeys towards their aspirations and wellbeing.
To enable this belief, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu is facilitating an operational programme focused on early support and prevention that aims to strengthen whānau wellbeing and reduce the number of tamariki Ngāi Tahu and tamariki Māori in the takiwā interacting with Oranga Tamariki.
The programme has four workstreams:
Prevention – whānau awareness campaign
The Whānau as First Navigators team is building awareness of tamariki and whānau wellbeing, sharing knowledge with whānau, and promoting services to improve access to supports that enable whānau to lead themselves on their own wellbeing journey.
Early support – whānau interaction hub
The team aims to provide early support, information, and advice to whānau who are seeking services and guidance via a whānau interaction hub prototype. The design and development of the hub is being informed by rangatahi, whānau, and key partners.
Boost service provider capability
The team is working with 10 selected accredited Ngāi Tahu and kaupapa Māori health and social service providers across the takiwā to help grow, strengthen, and build on the prevention and early support mahi they already do to support whānau in their communities towards their aspirations.
Professional and culturally competent practitioners
The team is engaging with the care and protection workforce, inclusive of, but also beyond kaupapa Māori organisations, to create change in processes and practices that will positively impact whānau.
For more information, email us at [email protected].
Nurture Your Hauora
From sharing kai with whānau; going for a hīkoi (walk) solo or with friends; reading a good book; playing touch rugby with neighbours; singing waiata and telling whānau stories; heading out fishing; completing breathing exercises; or ensuring there’s end-of-day whānau “debrief” and connection time.
Or tackling something bigger like learning te reo Māori; taking up a new hobby or sport; connecting or reconnecting with our rūnanga, whānau members, or old friends; getting into the garden; completing online yoga videos; or starting a new whānau tradition.
There are many things we can do to strengthen our hauora (wellbeing) and boost the way we feel and think.

What is Whānau as First Navigators? What does Whānau as First Navigators do? We've compiled a list of answers for the most frequently asked questions. If you have further pātai, please contact us on [email protected].
Service Providers

The Whānau as First Navigators team has formal relationships with nine accredited Ngāi Tahu and kaupapa Māori health and social service providers across the takiwā.
The team is working with the providers to help them grow, strengthen, and build on the prevention and early intervention mahi they already do to support whānau in their communities.