Ngā hau e whāFrom the editor
Apr 3, 2016
He aha te mea nui o te ao?
He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!
This is it. My last issue as editor of TE KARAKA. Yes, that means an enormous sadness. It was a privilege to be called to the role as editor at the beginning of 2012. Former editor Faumuinā Tafuna’i was returning to her homeland of Samoa and I had been living in Auckland with my family. We were ready for the change and I was more than ready to work for the tribe. In fact I will still be working for the tribe; as a Pou Tokomārama in the Tribal Economies team.
The first issue of TE KARAKA was published in autumn, 1995. “Anei tō mātou kaupapa… We live in an information age and those who control their information will ultimately control their own destiny,” wrote then-editor Gabrielle Huria. “Keeping the lines of communication open is the key to successful relationships. As a tribe our takiwā stretches across Te Waipounamu. As a people our opinions are as wide-ranging as our takiwā.”
A little over 20 years later, those words still hold true. The ideas that power TE KARAKA usually come from relationships, and chats over cups of tea. TE KARAKA celebrates identity and culture and above all, people. And sometimes it can be complicated to find a way to express those diverse opinions.
In the past four years I have felt privileged to meet a wide range of people from this iwi and to have been welcomed onto marae and into homes, and to hear many stories.
The name TE KARAKA is dialect for “te karanga” or the call, usually known as the ceremonial call of manuhiri or visitors on to a marae at the start of a pōwhiri.
I hope the magazine has reflected that name, while celebrating and discussing what it means to be Ngāi Tahu.
And like the women who have the first and last words on the marae, I am sure TE KARAKA will continue to resonate and endure.
Editorial Team
Managing Editor
Phil Tumataroa
Mark Revington
Guest Editor
Adrienne Anderson
Sub Editor
Diana Leufkens
Web Editor
Belinda Leslie
Tremane Barr
Arihia Bennett
Anna Brankin
Helen Brown
Shar Devine
Alice Dimond
Ranui Ellison-Collins
Teoti Jardine
Te Marino Lenihan
Nic Low
Huia Reriti
Matt Scobie
Aaron Smale
Dr Eruera Tarena
Nuku Tau
Gerry Te Kapa Coates
Kahu Te Whaiti
Rob Tipa
Tihou Weepu
Fern Whitau
La Fábrica Design Studio
Pam Graham: [email protected]
Spectrum Print – Blue Star Business
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
PO Box 13 046
Christchurch 8141
Phone 03 366 4344
Fax 03 365 4424
Send contributions and letters to the editor to:
The Editor
Te Karaka
PO Box 13 046
Christchurch 8141
[email protected]
© 1995 The entire contents of TE KARAKA are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or in whole without the written permission of the publisher. All letters addressed to TE KARAKA will be assumed intended for publication unless clearly marked “Not for Publication”.
Opinions expressed in TE KARAKA are those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
Issue 69 published March 2016
© Ngāi Tahu Publications Limited
ISSN N0. 1173/6011
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu has used Blue Star Group, which is an FSC® certified print supplier. The paper used for this publication is FSC® certified, promoting sustainable forest management through independent third party forest certification.
Front Cover
Jade Temepara of Kākano Café. Photo by Shar Devine.