From the editor
Apr 5, 2015

Ngā hau e whā
Megan Tamati-Quennell
The invitation to be the guest editor for this issue of TE KARAKA was an opportunity that allowed me to make a contribution to the tribe in a way that I could. It enabled me to draw on some of the expertise I have developed as an art curator of 26 years, a curator particularly concerned with modern and contemporary Māori and indigenous art.
Through the Paemanu rōpū the invitation was extended and the opportunity gracefully facilitated by editor Mark Revington. Being able to make a contribution to the tribe is deeply felt and really is a joy. I now live outside the takiwā of Ngāi Tahu. I do not get much time to be with the iwi or in the cultural and spiritual landscape of Ngāi Tahu and I miss it.
The work as guest editor is a bit like curating an exhibition. Although not working three-dimensionally with taonga, artworks, and space, you are working with people and culture, with images and ideas. Artists have been described as social barometers with the ability to measure, reveal, and reflect what is important and valued by the community that they are associated with. They are also often regarded as the shapers or shifters of culture, as visionaries able to create new templates for new and imagined worlds.
Vision is what binds TE KARAKA 65 – The Art Issue. It starts on the front cover with an image taken by leading New Zealand photographer Mark Adams. The image is of the stained glass window depicting Matiaha Tiramorehu from the Kotahitanga Church in Moeraki. Tiramorehu and other rangatira played a crucial role in determining our future. Vision is also embodied by the artists, performers, musicians, and writers featured in this edition.
I want to end with a mihi to Tahu Pōtiki to acknowledge the role he has played for me and others within the tribe. Tahu has been an anchor. The person able to provide the cultural knowledge and understanding needed, to both reach back and to move things forward.
Managing Editor
Phil Tumataroa
Mark Revington
Sub Editor
Diana Leufkens
Web Editor
Simon Leslie
Arihia Bennett
Gerry Te Kaoa Coates
Shar Devine
Ross Hemera
Lonnie Hutchinson
Teoti Jardine
Simon Kaan
Morgan Lee
Nic Low Matt Philp
Nathan Pohio
Tahu Pōtiki
Jen Rendall
Nicola Shepheard
Bronwyn Te Koeti-James
David Slack
Rob Tipa
Moerangi Vercoe
Areta Wilkinson
Vallance Wrathall
La Fábrica Design Studio
Pam Graham
[email protected]
Spectrum Print – Blue Star Business
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
PO Box 13 046
Christchurch 8141
Phone 03 366 4344
Fax 03 365 4424
Send contributions and letters to the editor to:
The Editor
Te Karaka
PO Box 13 046
Christchurch 8141
[email protected]
© 1995 The entire contents of Te Karaka are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form either in part or in whole without the written permission of the publisher. All letters addressed to Te Karaka will be assumed intended for publication unless clearly marked “Not for Publication”.
Opinions expressed in Te Karaka are those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
Issue 65 published March 2015
© Ngāi Tahu Publications Limited
ISSN N0. 1173/6011
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu has used Blue Star Group, which is an FSC® certified print supplier. The paper used for this publication is FSC® certified, promoting sustainable forest management through independent third party forest certification.
1991. Matiaha Tiramorehu. Kotahitanga Church. Moeraki. North Otago.
Mark Adams
Digital scan from 10×8 inch negative Kodak Tmax 400 negative.