He TangataMatt Scobie
Oct 6, 2015

Kati Huirapa – Ngāi Tahu
Matt Scobie is a PhD candidate who begins study at the University of Sheffield this month. His research will explore ways to hold business and government accountable for their wider social and environmental impacts with a focus on engagement around the operations of extractive industries in areas of importance to indigenous groups. He completed a Master of Commerce at the University of Canterbury.
Matt is also an electroacoustic composer who grew up playing percussion, and has recently delved into the digital world. He was awarded a Lilburn Trust Composition Award in 2013 from the University of Canterbury.
What constitutes a good day?
Just feeling satisfied with whatever I’ve done with my time during that day. This is often easier said than done.
One thing you could not live without?
Other than the basic necessities, I’d say good conversation.
Who or what inspires you and why?
I’m pretty easily inspired. I think that everyone is amazing at something, and listening to people talk about doing what they love, or watching them do the things they love, is easy to draw inspiration from. So everyone and everything, in their own way.
Highlight in the last year and why?
There have already been many good times, but if I had to choose one it would be conducting my research interviews during the early months of the year.
This involved meeting the most passionate, inspiring, and engaging people I could have imagined. I felt very privileged to be talking with these individuals.
What is your greatest extravagance?
I’m a pretty austere person at the best of times, but I have a weak spot for collecting records. So my record collection would certainly be the most extravagant part of my life.
Favourite way to chill out?
Favourite place?
I’ve been travelling a lot this year, but my favourite place in the world is Ōtautahi. So when I attempt to chill out, I try to find somewhere that reminds me of home. Usually a quiet park.
Dance or wallflower?
What food could you not live without?
What meal do you cook the most?
Greatest achievement?
Feeling satisfied with where I am and what I am doing. This can be hard for many people, myself included, but I think that being able to do something that I feel very passionate about every day is a great personal achievement.
Aspirations for Ngāi Tahu to achieve by 2025?
I think Ngāi Tahu is an incredible group of people, which I am constantly humbled to be a part of. Aspirations for Ngāi Tahu to achieve would be to carry on doing what we are doing, but be driven even more by principles of sustainable social, environmental, and economic development.