Ngā Hau e Whā
Dec 19, 2022
Here we are at the end of another year – not sure where it has gone, but it seems to have disappeared in a heartbeat!
It wasn’t intentional when we began planning this issue of TE KARAKA that its pages would be dominated by stories of mana wāhine achieving amazing things.
It is, however, what we have. From the dance floor to the board room; the bike to the marae; and, te reo to virtual reality, we celebrate the talents and achievements of extraordinary wāhine Ngāi Tahu.
Our cover story mā te wāhine, mā te whenua – ka ora ai te tangata provides a glimpse into our next-gen leadership. Cousins Jaleesa Panirau and Kelly Barry are conquering new frontiers as young wāhine in leadership roles for their Wairewa Rūnanga – Jaleesa as Chair and Kelly as General Manager. Their passion, vision and tenacity is to be applauded. You can read their story here.
It is a privilege to share the story of Bronwyn Thurlow, who was adopted at birth into a Pākehā whānau.
Bronwyn has spent many decades connecting the dots of her whakapapa, and embarking on a remarkable te reo journey with her tamariki, and now her mokopuna who are being raised with te reo as their first language. Her story is one of courage and determination; her contribution to reo revitalisation inspirational.
Coming Home chronicles the life of Juliet Tainui-Hernandez, who has returned home after more than 20 years living abroad to take up a role at Te Pūtea Matua (the Reserve Bank), and as a non-executive director on the Ngāi Tahu Holdings board. Juliet has had an illustrious career working for several large international law firms – a far cry from her childhood growing up in the country on Banks Peninsula – and living proof that with the right attitude anything is possible.
While their stories are incredibly diverse, the one thing these wahine toa share is the inspiration they give to others to be courageous and reach for the stars.
Meri Kirihimete e te whānau. May your festive season be relaxing and filled with joy.
Nā Adrienne Anderson Waaka.