Ngā Hau e Whā From the Editor
Dec 21, 2016
On flicking through the pages of this issue for the first time, what initially struck me was the important and varied role marae continue to play for whānau and their local communities – the beating heart. Nowhere has this been more apparent in recent times than Takahanga Marae in Kaikōura – the extraordinary effort of whānau, themselves suffering the effects of the catastrophic earthquake, opening the doors of the whare and their hearts to awhi their local community. In this issue we pay tribute to efforts of our Kaikōura whānau with a collection of images that provide a small snapshot of the days following 14 November.
Just two days earlier on a wet cold Saturday more than 500 people gathered in Arowhenua to celebrate the “new dawn” for Te Hapa o Nui Tireni with the opening of the modernised facility. What makes this new whare most special is that the original iconic building has been retained and forms the centre of the new, larger modern structure – paying tribute to the important history of Te Hapa o Nui Tireni while creating a purpose-built whare for the future. Takerei Norton and Mark Revington provide a detailed account of its history while encapsulating the recent celebrations.
And in Moeraki, the marae is at the heart of a powerful whānau journey of cultural revitalisation and connection through te reo, waiata and stories that breathe new life into the traditional wharekura of tipuna Matiaha Tiramorehu back in the late 1800s.
As we fast approach 2017, it seems pertinent to reflect not only the year that’s been but more importantly on the 20 years since the signing of the Ngāi Tahu Deed of Settlement at Takahanga Marae in Kaikōura, a hugely significant milestone in the history of Te Kerēme. Over the upcoming issues we look forward to celebrating the journey thus far – the achievements, the challenges and the people. Our Kana/Spring issue 2017 will be a special Settlement edition to recognise this milestone.
Wishing you a relaxing, happy festive season.
Nā Adrienne Anderson
Editorial Team
Managing Editor
Phil Tumataroa
Adrienne Anderson
Sub Editor
Diana Leufkens
Web Editor
Belinda Leslie
Tremaine Barr
Arihia Bennett
Anna Brankin
Helen Brown
Ian Cope
Shar Devine
Alice Dimond
Sarah Fulham
Nic Low
Kurt McLauchlan
Takerei Norton
Huia Reriti
Mark Revington
Matt Scobie
Nuku Tau
Gerry Te Kapa Coates
Rob Tipa
Phil Tumataroa
Maatakiwi Wakefield
Fern Whitau
La Fábrica Design Studio
Pam Graham: [email protected]
Spectrum Print – Blue Star Business
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
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Christchurch 8141
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Issue 72 published December 2016
© Ngāi Tahu Publications Limited
ISSN N0. 1173/6011
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu has used Blue Star Group, which is an FSC® certified print supplier. The paper used for this publication is FSC® certified, promoting sustainable forest management through independent third party forest certification.
Front Cover
Celebrating the redevelopment of Te Hapa o Nui Tireni, Arowhenua. Photograph by Sarah Fulham.