Dec 20, 2020
Te Awa Whakatipu (the Dart River) flows from its headwaters in Kā Tiritiri-o-te-Moana (the Southern Alps) and the Dart Glacier, into the northern end of Whakatipu Waimāori (Lake Whakatipu). Along with Te Komama (Routeburn), Te Awa Whakatipu was part of the well-known travel route connecting Whakatipu Waimāori with Whakatipu Waitai (Martins Bay), where one of the largest Ngāi Tahu kāinga (settlements) in South Westland was situated. With the famed pounamu source, Te Koroka, located nearby, numerous pounamu artefacts and the remains of several kāinga nohoanga (seasonal settlements) have been discovered at the head of Whakatipu Waimāori.
Photograph: Tony bridge / 2014-129, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Collection, Ngāi Tahu Archive.