Kotahi Mano Kāika
Our language is at the very heart of who we are as a people. It is the waka, the vessel, which carries our traditional knowledge and histories.

Teacher Resources
Explore Ngāi Tahu specific articles, videos and resources, as well as links to other websites that focus on the places, people, events, and flora/fauna of the Ngāi Tahu takiwā. We will continue to add more resources in the future and encourage you to continue visit this page to support your work. We ask that you acknowledge your sources within the classroom environment.

Te Kerēme and Settlement Workshops
Listen to some of our most influential and impactful rangatira of our lifetime. Tā Tipene, Edward Ellison and David Higgins will share their stories of the challenges and successes of our Ngāi Tahu Settlements “Te Kerēme”.
Mahinga Kai Web Series
Ngāi Tahu Mahinga Kai is a lifestyle series featuring 12 ten minute episodes filmed in the stunning landscape of Te Waipounamu. It captures the stories and essence of traditional food gathering practices passed down through the generations.
Ngāi Tahu Artist Web Series
Ngā Ringa Toi o Tahu is a web series of eight mini art documentaries exploring the practice and success of a number of talented New Zealand artists who also happen to be Ngāi Tahu.
He Rau Mahara
The He Rau Mahara project was initiated to coincide with the New Zealand First World War Centenary, 2014-2019. Undertaken by the Whakapapa Unit at Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, He Rau Mahara brings together nearly three years of research into the remarkable history of Ngāi Tahu and New Zealand’s contribution to The First World War.