Ngāi Tahu Holdings

Ngāi Tahu Holdings is an intergenerational New Zealand-focused investor. It is the investment company of the Ngāi Tahu Charitable Trust of which Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu is the sole Trustee.

Drawing on the tribal whakataukī, Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei – For us and our children after us, Ngāi Tahu Holdings adheres to a highly developed investment policy framework which acts as a roadmap to deliver long- term sustainable returns to the iwi. The framework provides a robust methodology for determining sustainable distribution. The key elements of the policy consider and provide for the minimum investment return required to maintain the value of the investment base and to pay an appropriate distribution to Te Rūnanga. The policy also sets rules about the optimal allocation of strategic assets, benchmarking and a distribution rule to provide consistent distributions over the long-term to Te Rūnanga.

Ngāi Tahu Holdings’ mission is to be an outstanding investment company creating wealth for Ngāi Tahu Whānui and respecting and contributing to the mana of Ngāi Tahu in all that it does. It manages a diversified portfolio of investments across five subsidiary companies: Ngāi Tahu Investments; Ngāi Tahu Farming; Ngāi Tahu Property; Ngāi Tahu Seafood and Ngāi Tahu Tourism.

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Ngāi Tahu Holdings

Ngāi Tahu Holdings is an intergenerational New Zealand-focused investor. It is the investment company of the Ngāi Tahu Charitable Trust of which Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu is the sole Trustee.

Ngāi Tahu Holdings’ mission is to be an outstanding investment company creating wealth for Ngāi Tahu Whānui and respecting and contributing to the mana of Ngāi Tahu in all that it does. It manages a diversified portfolio of investments across five subsidiary companies: Ngāi Tahu Investments; Ngāi Tahu Farming; Ngāi Tahu Property; Ngāi Tahu Seafood and Ngāi Tahu Tourism.

Ngāi Tahu Investments

Centuries ago, Ngāi Tahu moved southward from their homes in Te Ika a Māui (the North Island) to forge a new life in Te Waipounamu (the South Island).

Ngāi Tahu Investments (NTI) is continuing the tribe’s tradition of exploring new opportunities by investing in assets that complement and diversify the NTH portfolio. NTI’s portfolio includes a range of direct investments, private equity funds and listed equities. These investments improve NTH’s growth exposure and portfolio resilience, which helps to protect and grow tribal wealth for current and future generations.

Ngāi Tahu Farming

Ngāi Tahu whakapapa (genealogy) binds us to the mountains, land, forests, and waters.

Underpinning this unique relationship is the belief that the natural environment sustains people, and that in turn, we have a responsibility to nurture the environment through the generations. Our farming operation includes the management of more than 100,000 hectares of beef farms, dairy farms, forestry operations, and high country stations. It is essential to us that all our practices — whether on land, waterways, or in  forests — are in line with our role as a kaitiaki (custodian) of the environment.

Ngāi Tahu Property

For generations, the land has shaped the culture and identity of Ngāi Tahu.

Our history and traditions are recorded in place names, mountains, rivers, lakes, and oceans, ensuring that the footsteps of our ancestors remain forever upon the landscape. The land, and our relationship with it, is one of the foundations for the future of Ngāi Tahu. Through our property developments and investments, we strive to honour that enduring relationship.

Ngāi Tahu Seafood

For centuries, the sea surrounding Te Waipounamu (the South Island) has provided Ngāi Tahu a bountiful supply of food for both sustenance and trade.

Ngāi Tahu have an intimate knowledge of, connection to, and respect for the sea. Our profound regard for the marine environment, alongside our belief in sustainability and responsible behaviour, guides our practice in today’s commercial environment. It includes respect for marine species and for the product itself, taking care to retain the best condition and highest quality.

Ngāi Tahu Tourism

Ngāi Tahu have an intimate relationship with the landscape, a rich cultural heritage, and a reputation for manaakitanga (hospitality), which underpins our tourism activities.

Tourism is where our cultural, commercial, and environmental aspirations come together as we share our place, our story, and our values with the world. We aim to provide an unparalleled experience to our manuhiri (visitors).