Representative for Arowhenua
Fiona Pimm
Fiona comes to the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu board with many years of governance experience, serving on boards in the education, justice and health sector.
She has worked in the health sector for over 30 years, with many years at the frontline of health services before moving into management roles across Aotearoa, including District Health Boards and in the Primary Care and Māori Health Sector.
Fiona is also the Chair of the Whai Rawa Fund Limited.
She affiliates to Ngāi Tahu iwi with whakapapa links across the Ngāi Tahu rohe. Fiona lives in Ōtautahi but identifies Arowhenua as her whānau home.
Describing herself as an idealist, she always looks towards the long-term strategic outcomes while keeping focused on the work that must be achieved on the journey. She has a knack for getting to the nub of the issue and focusing on solutions.
Fiona dreams of seeing all whānau across Aotearoa achieving their full potential in the way that best fits their personal and cultural aspirations.