Mātauranga - Education & Knowledge
“An environment of lifelong learning that provides opportunities for Ngāi Tahu people to be strong in the knowledge of Ngāi Tahutanga as well as the ability to access quality education and training that will provide choices and enhance our ability to create and control our destiny”
– from Vision 2025.
Ngāi Tahu education is charged with meeting the objectives of our Vision 2025 document. To do this, Ngāi Tahu education strives to achieve two outcomes:
- Ensure that there are opportunities in education for our people to learn about themselves as Ngāi Tahu; and
- Ensure that our people are able to access education systems so that they can succeed.
Ngāi Tahu education aims to influence the education sector to ensure that Ngāi Tahu viewpoints are reflected at all levels of the system. While Ngāi Tahu education is not directly involved in delivering education services, it does support those that do.
In the compulsory school sector, Ngāi Tahu education continues to support rūnanga to focus on their regional education objectives. A Memorandum of Understanding, signed with the Minister of Education in 2001, resulted in an implementation document – Te Kete o Aoraki. This continues to be the mechanism by which rūnanga are bringing about a closer education relationship with schools and education providers in their rohe.
In the tertiary sector, Ngāi Tahu is working at a strategic level to influence the responsiveness to Māori of polytechnics, universities and other tertiary providers. The Whai Rawa and Direct Distributions team manage the Ngāi Tahu grants and a range of other scholarships, including the Yamada-O’Regan scholarships that are available to secondary students. Find education opportunities here.
Ngāi Tahu education also supports individual whānau members through an Out-of-School Tuition programme that allows tamariki to access literacy, numeracy and extension programmes.
Ngāi Tahu education promotes and supports the growth of Te Reo Ngāi Tahu throughout the education system in conjunction with the Kotahi Mano Kāika strategy. One of our goals is to ensure that there are enough trained and qualified teachers of te reo at all levels – early childhood, schools and tertiary.
A key to the success of our work will continue to be the development and maintenance of positive, purposeful relationships with whānau, hapu, rūnanga and education organisations.
Ngāi Tahu education strategies have been, and will continue to be, aimed at bringing about the best education outcomes for our people.
Education Strategy
In late 2014, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu adopted a new Education Strategy; Te Rautaki Mātauranga.
The vision of Te Rautaki Mātauranga is that education enables the success and well-being of Ngāi Tahu whānau in all aspects of their lives: Mō tātou, a, mō kā uri a muri ake nei. Te Rautaki Mātauranga has four pillars that will enable this vision: to create pathways, to prioritise success, to provide leadership and to promote innovation.

Teacher Resources
Explore Ngāi Tahu specific articles, videos and resources, as well as links to other websites that focus on the places, people, events, and flora/fauna of the Ngāi Tahu takiwā.