Education & Communication

Ensure this plan and our climate change approach is understood by Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, Papatipu Rūnanga and whānau – and that Te Kounga Paparangi is regularly updated.


→ Developed a Climate Emergency Communications and Engagement Plan.
→ Created a Climate Change webpage on internal and external websites.
→ Developed quarterly climate change learning sessions for kaimahi and Ngāi Tahu whānau.
→ Formed a climate change working group to aid action delivery.

2030 Goals

→ Establish fund to support solutions addressing climate change impacts.
→ Videos and digital resources to support whānau with climate preparedness and sustainability actions.
→ Bi-Annual Tribal Climate Change Symposium and rangatahi wānanga.
→ Training and educational opportunities enable whānau to find climate-resilient employment.