Morning Star Reserve
About Morning Star Recreation Reserve
Morning Star Beach Recreation Reserve is located on the banks of Kimiākau (Shotover River) in Tāhuna (Queenstown).
In October 2023, the Minister of Conservation vested in Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu the administration and control of the part of the reserve outlined in yellow on the site map. This area covers 0.8 hectares, while the rest of Morning Star Beach Recreation Reserve (approx. 8.8 ha) remains under the administration of the Department of Conservation.
The Minister of Conservation also approved the delegation of some Ministerial powers under the Reserves Act 1977 to Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu subject to a Conflicts Management Plan.
Shotover Jet, one of the Ngāi Tahu Tourism businesses, has a long-term lease of the site. Under the terms of the vesting, the rent from the lease will now be paid to Te Rūnanga for reinvestment in the site and other Department of Conservation administered reserve land within the wider Shotover catchment. The vesting of the Reserve presents a significant opportunity for Ngāi Tahu to exercise rangatiratanga in line with our mātauranga, kawa and tikanga.
A Mana Whenua kōmiti comprising representatives of the seven Papatipu Rūnanga exercising mana whenua over the Reserve has been established to support the on-going management of the Reserve.
Reserve Management Plan process
The Morning Star Reserve vesting conditions require the development and implementation of a reserve management plan for the vested site. The plan will identify the vision, objectives, policies and priorities for the reserve and reserve pūtea over the next 5 to 10 years.
The process for the development of a reserve management plan is detailed in the Reserves Act 1977 and summarised below.
We have completed Step One of the process, which included issuing an invitation for interested parties to submit suggestions for consideration in the preparation of the draft Reserve Management Plan for Morning Star Beach Recreation Reserve, and holding a public hui to seek input from the local community into the plan.
The closing date for submissions has now passed and we are currently undertaking Step Two of the process, which involves considering the community feedback received and preparing the draft plan.
The draft plan is scheduled to be released for public comment in mid-2025.
Links to Related Documents
Public Notice of Intention to prepare Reserve Management Plan