Ngāi Tahu Fund open for applications
Aug 16, 2024
Are you passionate about preserving and cultivating your Ngāi Tahutanga?
The Ngāi Tahu Fund may be able to help bring your cultural project to life. Whether your focus is whakapapa, mahi toi, tikanga, mahinga kai, if your project celebrates and enriches what it means to be Ngāi Tahu, we want to help you make it happen.
The fund is open now for applications until the end of next month (September 30). Click here to find out how to apply.
Awarua Korowai Wānanga is one of the projects to receive a grant from the Ngāi Tahu Fund.
The Korowai Wānanga are held at Te Rau Aroha Marae every month. Whānau can attend and learn new skills or support existing tauira on the art of kākahu weaving.
This funding means whānau and members of the community have access to these wānanga and can afford to make treasured kākahu that can be passed down for generations to come.
Images from Awarua Korowai Wānanga
Ngā kaupapa iti (small projects) – up to $5,000
- Individuals who are registered Ngāi Tahu whānau may apply
- Legal entities with Ngāi Tahu association may apply
Ngā kaupapa nui (medium projects) – $5,000 to $30,000
- Legal entity with Ngāi Tahu association required
- Individuals cannot apply for this funding
Ngā kaupapa nui rawa (large projects) – over $30,000 (by expression of interest via email only)
- Those who have submitted an expression of interest via email prior to application
- Legal entity with Ngāi Tahu association required
- Individuals cannot apply for this funding