Find and Book Takahanga Marae

Find Takahanga Marae

Takahanga Marae is located in Kaikōura, which is approximately 2 ½ hours drive North of Christchurch on State Highway 1 and 1 ½ hours drive South of Blenheim.

From Christchurch

As Highway 1 enters Kaikōura it becomes Churchill Street. You will go up over a rise as you enter the township. Approximately halfway down the other side hill turn right into Deal Street.

Approximately, 100m along Deal Street turn right into Takahanga Terrace.

Approximately, 100m along Takahanga Terrace turn left into the entry of Takahanga Marae.

From Blenheim

As Highway 1 enters Kaikōura it becomes Beach Road. Follow Beach Road to the end then follow the signpost directed to Christchurch. You will go under a railway overbridge up into Churchill Street. Follow this up to a rise, turn left into Deal Street.

Approximately, 100m along Deal Street turn right into Takahanga Terrace.

Approximately, 100m along Takahanga Terrace turn left into the entry of Takahanga Marae.

Book Takahanga Marae – Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura

Chevy Allen – phone number is 03 319 6523, mobile is 027 801 1025 and his email address is [email protected]

In order to process your booking the Takahanga Marae office needs you to provide the following completed forms available from this website;

  • Booking Form
  • Code of Conduct Agreement
  • Safety & Evacuation Procedure Form
  • Liability Form
  • Cleaning Agreement
  • Catering Form

You can download a PDF or Word doc with all of the documents above.